- TSPred::CATSTime series of the CATS Competition
- TSPred::CATS.contContinuation dataset of the time series of the CATS Competition
- TSPred::EUNITE.LoadsElectrical loads of the EUNITE Competition
- TSPred::EUNITE.Loads.contContinuation dataset of the electrical loads of the EUNITE Competition
- TSPred::EUNITE.RegElectrical loads regressors of the EUNITE Competition
- TSPred::EUNITE.Reg.contContinuation dataset of the electrical loads regressors of the EUNITE Competition
- TSPred::EUNITE.TempTemperatures of the EUNITE Competition
- TSPred::EUNITE.Temp.contContinuation dataset of the temperatures of the EUNITE Competition
- TSPred::NN3.ADataset A of the NN3 Competition
- TSPred::NN3.A.contContinuation dataset of the Dataset A of the NN3 Competition
- TSPred::NN5.ADataset A of the NN5 Competition
- TSPred::NN5.A.contContinuation dataset of the Dataset A of the NN5 Competition
- TSPred::SantaFe.ATime series A of the Santa Fe Time Series Competition
- TSPred::SantaFe.A.contContinuation dataset of the time series A of the Santa Fe Time Series Competition
- TSPred::SantaFe.DTime series D of the Santa Fe Time Series Competition
- TSPred::SantaFe.D.contContinuation dataset of the time series D of the Santa Fe Time Series Competition
- TSPred::ipeadata_dThe Ipea Most Requested Dataset (daily)
- TSPred::ipeadata_d.contThe Ipea Most Requested Dataset (daily)
- TSPred::ipeadata_mThe Ipea Most Requested Dataset (monthly)
- TSPred::ipeadata_m.contThe Ipea Most Requested Dataset (monthly)